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21st April -28th May: 'As We Step into Chaos' Exhibition by Dangerous Minds Artists

The Underdog Gallery is delighted to present a major solo exhibition of Dangerous Minds Artists ‘As We Step into Chaos’. Exhibition: Saturday 22nd April - 28th May: Attendance is free and open to the public every day apart from Mondays. Come and see new and diverse spectrum of work from artists that push boundaries of contemporary art while being aesthetically beautiful. As featured by Huffington Post, the show sets a new direction for modern art and is one of the most exciting art exhibition in London at the moment. An installation of both wall mounted pieces and sculptural works, reveals how a subliminal unrest has become an ever present part of our daily lives. Pieces such as 'The lovers', 'War Horse', 'Kaiser chief', 'Veiled Threat'... all have at their core, some form of dystopian angst, which subtly percolates from within, to lie just beneath the shiny skin... like Snow White's 'poisoned apple'. For all the works superficial beauty, there is an ever present implication of a darkness lurking just beneath the glossy surface... an allegory of the times in which we live.... As the great Spike Milligan once said, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... Get it out with Optrex”. Be prepared to dip your toes into a complex narrative, that pulls diametrically opposed notions into vibrant, thought provoking work.

To get a flavour of what's to expect please see the preview pieces above and see the video from the opening night (thanks everyone for coming, we had over 250 people loving the works!):

ABOUT DANGEROUS MINDS ARTISTS: Dangerous Minds Artists were founded by the artists Michael Lake-McMillan and Alan Stuart in 2014. As well as fine art, they have created some of the most outlandish and bizarre props and installations for international celebrity clients. Dangerous Minds Artists' work operates on a multiplicity of levels. Most significantly a pure aesthetic is paramount, but this is always accompanied by associated implications and ambiguities. Duality is an ever present touchstone in their/our work... symbolism, hidden messages, codification, sigils and cyphers. If you have a burning desire to have your world to be made beautifully strange at the same time as strangely beautiful, Dangerous Minds Artists are your perfect match. Following their ‘Order/Chaos’ 2015 debut exhibition in London, they received major international commissions for some of the world’s most iconic artistes and luxury marques. Most recently they have been selected by M&C Saatchi for a solo show 'Illuminated Abstraction' which took place in February 2017. Their work is held in private and corporate collections across the world and the ‘Order/Chaos’ Collection is available for loan to private and corporate partners.



The Underdog


Crucifix Lane

London Bridge


3 mins walk from The Shard Exit of London Bridge Station, come out of the station, turn left at The Shard and walk down to the traffic lights, The Underdog is just across the lights on the left.



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