Matt AdAMS
Matt Adams, born in Germany and raised in England, is a British artist new to the London art scene. He started drawing and painting at a very young age. As a teenager every inch of Matt's bedroom walls and ceiling were covered in paintings, graffiti and sketches.​ When Matt took his work to the streets he quickly felt limited by the typical graffiti style and gravitated towards painting portraits of women using acrylics, chalk, gold leaf, ink and collage.
As a young child Matt's uncle would hatch Moths in tanks in his kitchen. When hatched, under moonlight, Matt and his uncle would take the moths out to the streets and release them into the night. Matt soon grew to be facinated by them. As an adult Matt now keeps moths himself and includes his trademark moth symbology throughout his work.
Being completely self taught has defined Matt's style. His artwork knows no bounds, following no rules. Always painting and creating with complete freedom.
Often using obscure materials and bespoke handmade papers Matt now hand ages prints with his unique process involving Whiskey, Rum and Cigarette ash.