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13 August-BACHN & EGGS: Classical Brunch

Summer Lovin' Brunch! ​If you haven't made it down to London's first ever series of Classical Brunch concerts now is the time... Bach's in the mood for romancing in August so head down to London Bridge for some summer lovin' courtesy of Schumann's oboe Romances. And if new music is your thing, put this date in your diary to hear the world premiere of composer Alex Mills' cello and harp piece "For The Time Being". Performances from: Mea Wade (oboe) Tom Wraith (cello) Olivia Jageurs (harp) Doors Open: 11am (for brunch, coffees and to get the best seat) Concert: 12pm - 13.30pm Entry: Free (no ticket required).Pay what you think the concert is worth on the way out, suggested donation £8. Bachn & Eggs Facebook page Olivia Jageurs - twitter @oliviajagharp

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