12th Nov: LORA ZOMBIE - One Day Pop-Up Art Show
Saturday 12th November
Eyes On Walls Presents 'True Colors' an Art Show by Lora Zombie.
For one night only on Saturday, November 12th, Grunge artist Lora Zombie is taking her art to London at The Underdog Gallery for her first ever solo show in the UK.
True Colors will feature 50+ new paintings that Lora has been working on for the past year from her studio in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Attendance is free and all are welcome to attend. Lora will be there to meet and sign Original Art, Limited Edition Prints and more will be available for purchase. A small amount of limited edition gift bags will be FREE to the first to arrive with any purchase.
Lora Zombie is a charismatic, dedicated, hard working young Russian artist.
2016 has been a tremendous year for Lora. In the Spring, her work was featured as part of XX:A Moment in Time, an all-female show at the Saatchi Gallery in London. Other recent projects have included a large-scale outdoor mural for the Art-in-the-Park project at Lollapalooza Berlin and a series of mural installations in Iceland with Urban Nation, as well as collaborations with HBO, Warner Brothers, Blackmilk Clothing, Perrier, and soon Reebok.
She returns to London on November 12th for a one night Solo Pop-Up Art Show at The Underdog Gallery in London Bridge just a short 3 mins walk from The Shard Exit of London Bridge Station.
SHOW OPENS 7pm - 10pm
Lora is incredibly prolific – she paints many original works on paper and canvas each year – touching a wide range of familiar as well as socially important topics - Young Girls, Animals (pets, rodents, space pandas & other endangered species), Big Oil, War, Drugs and anything else that she sees challenge or threaten us and the World we live in.
Sponsored by Eyes On Walls, her exclusive Publisher, fifty of her most recent works (including some big canvases) will be on display for just one evening in this Pop-Up Art Show.
Lora just got home after painting a huge wall for the Art-in-the-Park project at Lollapalooza in Berlin earlier this month – and working on another series of large mural installations in Iceland – also arranged by Urban Nation.
Girls Love Skulls White & Fluffy Blue Girl
by Lora Zombie by Lora Zombie by Lora Zombie
Link to Lora’s last Pop Up Art Show in Toronto - Last time in Toronto – over a thousand people queued up and passed through the Show during the few hours we were open.
Evolution by Lora Zombie
For any questions about the show or to be added to the preview list for originals please contact: CustomerCare@EyesOnWalls.com
For interview requests contact: Marit@EyesOnWalls.com
Link to her blog on the EYES ON WALLS ecommerce site http://www.eyesonwalls.com/blogs/news/tagged/lora-zombie LORA ZOMBIE
7pm - 10pm
ARCH 6, Crucifix Lane,
London Bridge
3 mins walk from The Shard Exit of London Bridge Station, come out of the station, turn left at The Shard and walk down to the traffic lights.
The Underdog is just across the lights on the left.