Simon FreeboroughFERMENT
1000 x 560 mm
Edition of 5
2 Colour screen print
Diamond dust
Hand painted with montana gold spray paint
Somerset satin 410gsm
£350 Framed | Simon FreeboroughDAISY FLOWERS BLACK
50 x 70 cm
Edition of 10
6 colour hand-pulled screen print
Velin arches noir 250gsm paper
£200 | Simon FreeboroughDAISY PINK
50 x 70 cm
Edition of 10
4 colour hand-pulled screen print
Somerset satin 300gsm paper
SOLD | Simon FreeboroughOBSESSION
70 x 100 cm
Edition of 1
6 Colour, 8 layer, hand-pulled screen print
Somerset satin 300gsm paper with liquid metal
SOLD | Simon FreeboroughFLUFF GOLD
70 x 100cm
Edition of 5
4 colour hand-pulled screen print
Somerset satin 300gsm paper with gold leaf